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now account 活期存款支票賬戶;能開發可轉讓支付命令的活期存款賬戶 (...

now generation

Given that the salaries tax now accounts for nearly a third of total revenue , it is a very important part of our income , but the ageing population will mean there will be a reduction in the number of salaries taxpayers , and what is more , there will be a drastic rise in demand for healthcare and social welfare for the aged 二十五年之后,大約四個人之中,就有一位是長者。目前,薪俸稅占我們收入接近三分之一,是相當重要。人口老化不單止會令繳交薪俸稅的人口銳減,社會對醫療和福利服務的需求亦會急速上升。

In addition to its swiftly rising prominence in the global trading system , where it now accounts for over 6 percent of total world trade , it has also become a magnet for foreign direct investment ( fdi ) , overtaking the united states ( in 2003 ) as the number one destination for fdi 特別對資本稀缺的發展中國家而言,與全球資本市場的金融一體化是其尋求經濟高速增長的關鍵。然而,資本項目的開放好壞摻半,在20世紀90年代晚期許多新興市場國家遭受了沉重的金融和國際收支危機。

According to the remote - sensing image interpretation obtained in 1999 , medium rocky desertification area now accounts for 7 . 49 % of the whole guizhou province ( 13187 km ^ 2 ) ; over slight rocky desertification area accounts for 20 . 39 % ( 35920 km ^ 2 ) ; the total area of both fbrmcr and potential rocky desertification area has risen to 45 . 20 % 根據1999年衛星遙感解譯結果分析,全省中度以上石漠化面積13187平方公里占到7 . 49 % ,輕度以上石漠化面積35920平方公里,占到全省的20 . 39 % ,如再加上具有潛在石漠化的土地,面積可以達到45 . 20 % 。

Although china ' s ties with south korea have rapidly improved in recent years , with south korea now accounting for more than 8 . 5 % of foreign direct investment in china in non - financial sectors ( just behind japan ) , china worries that a united korea would be awkward to deal with 雖然近年來中國與韓國之間的聯系進展迅速,如今,韓國在中國非金融領域的外國直接投資中占了超過8 . 5 (僅次于日本) ,中國擔心一個統一的韓國會棘手得難以對付。

Local or national , these are big numbers , and they reflect the fact that east asia and the pacific now accounts for over a quarter of the world s gross domestic product . the region hosts some of the fastest growing economies and best markets for american products 無論對地方貿易還是對全國貿易來說,這都是龐大的數額。這些數字反映這樣一個事實:目前,東亞和太平洋地區占全世界的國內生產總值的四分之一以上。

Although the drug - coated devices cost more than $ 2 , 000 on average , compared with $ 800 or so for bare metal devices , they rapidly supplanted the older designs in the united states and now account for 85 percent to 90 percent of the market 盡管這種藥物涂層血管支架平均價值超過2000美元,比800美元的純金屬器械貴得多,但是這種器械卻在美國很快取代了老的器械,現在已經占有85 %到90 %的市場份額。

Although the drug - coated devices cost more than $ 2 , 000 on average , compared with $ 800 or so for bare metal devices , they rapidly su lanted the older desig in the united states and now account for 85 percent to 90 percent of the market 盡管這種藥物涂層血管支架平均價值超過2000美元,比800美元的純金屬器械貴得多,但是這種器械卻在美國很快取代了老的器械,現在已經占有85 %到90 %的市場份額。

Subprime borrowers ? long shut out of home ownership ? now account for one in five new mortgages and 10 % of all mortgage debt , thanks to the expansion of mortgage - backed securities ( and derivatives based on them ) 由于抵押貸款證券化產品(以及基于此種產品的衍生產品)的增多,那些長時間無法得到房屋所有權的次優貸款借款人占到新貸款人數的五分之一,所有貸款債務中的10 % 。

As our survey this week points out , the emerging world now accounts for over half of global economic output , measured in purchasing - power parity ( which allows for lower prices in poorer countries ) 正如我們在本周的調查中指出,按照購買力平價(該理論將較貧窮的國家中價格更低廉這一事實考慮在內了)理論計算[ 1 ] ,如今新興的國家已占據了全球經濟總量的半數以上。

Private providers now account for about half of a market that used to be dominated by big public underwriters , such as national export - development agencies and the world bank ' s multilateral investment guarantee agency ( miga ) 私人保險公司現在占據了整個市場的半壁江山,而這一領域過去是國家出口發展局及世界銀行多邊開發擔保局此類公立機構的天下。

Eu telecommunications ministers meeting in brussels promised to speed up slow implementation of an eu - wide law agreed two years ago banning commercial spam , which experts say now accounts for more than half of all e - mails 歐盟各國電訊部長們在布魯塞爾會面并承諾加快兩年前已經通過的全歐洲范圍內的禁止商業兜售信息的法律的執行。

Unsolicited e - mail , and software that watches your web habits , mushroomed from annoyance to menace . junk e - mail now accounts for more than 9 of every 10 messages sent over the internet 不請自來的電子郵件,軟件,這些東西還在你的電腦里打探你的上網習慣,從惱人發展到了害人。據說全球每10封郵件當中9封是垃圾郵件。

Employers appear to be holding off on pay increases , using the money instead to pay for rising health - insurance bills , which now account for 7 . 7 % of workers ' compensation , up from 5 . 9 % in 2000 職員中延遲支付的現象也在上升,將原本用于健康保險的錢用于消費,這筆錢占員工工資從2000年的5 . 9 %提高到現在的7 . 7 % 。

One controversial issue for real estate developers and insiders is that small apartments no bigger than 90 square metres must now account for 70 per cent of new homes being built 新政策規定,建筑面積90平米以下的住房必須占到新建房數量的70 ,這在房地產開發商和業內人士中引起了爭議。

One controversial issue for real estate developers and insiders is that small apartments no bigger than 90 square meters must now account for 70 per cent of new home being built 一個在房地產發展以及業內人士中充滿爭議的重點是,不足90平方米的小型公寓必須占目前正在被興建房屋的70 。

Bad loans now account for less than 2 percent of all loans ( compared to 20 percent in china ) , even though none of india ' s shoddy state - owned banks has so far been privatized 不良貸款占總貸款數額不到2 % (中國該數據為20 % ) ,雖然迄今印度還沒有任何一家運行不良的國有銀行實現私有化。

Low - cost carriers now account for some 10 % of airline capacity in the region , up from just 1 % six years ago , according to the centre for asia pacific aviation , a consultancy 根據咨詢機構亞洲太平洋航空中心的報告,廉價航空公司占這個地區運力的大約10 % ,而六年前這一數字僅有1 % 。

Ets figures show that the chinese now account for about 10 per cent of its global toefl examinees - - the most in the world - - and the number is growing 據美國教育考試服務中心數據顯示,每年參加托福考試的中國考生數量占全球考生的10 ,居全世界第一,而且這個數字還在不斷增加。

Ets figures show that the chinese now account for about 10 per cent of its global toefl examinees - the most in the world - and the number is growing 據美國教育考試服務中心數據顯示,每年參加托福考試的中國考生數量占全球考生的10 ,居全世界第一,而且這個數字還在不斷增加。